How Black influencers are educating America this Juneteenth

June 20, 2022
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How it started

Juneteenth is the anniversary of the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. This year many Black influencers are trying to provide insights into the markets, real estate, cryptocurrency, and more.

What's going on

Influencers like Rashal Bilal of the Earn Your Leisure Podcast are educating their audiences about the constant fight for freedom in the Black community. Bilal talks about how “people literally died for finances” and how “that’s what slavery was really about.” Other influencers like Ian Dunlap, Kezia Williams, and Philip Michael educated their listeners on how to help the Black community gain economic freedom.

Why it matters

The opportunity to have both social and financial freedom is the true American dream. In 2020 aFederal Reserve study found that “the average net worth of Black Americans is $24,000, while white Americans are $188,000.” While we continue to celebrate important advancements in our Country we must also work towards financial freedom for all.

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