AlgoPear icon

A dedicated team to transform your institution

Freeing Minds Financially

Leadership Team

AlgoPear's leaders bring decades of experience in technology, financial services, innovation and compliance; paired with the commitment to create a more inclusive, interoperable future.

Ronnie Green
Chief Executive Officer
Ben Malena
Chief Operation Officer
Johnathon Albercrombie
Chief Investment Officer

AlgoPear Advisors

2X founders, multi-million dollar exits, combined 30-years of wealth management & tech experience.

Ronaldo Hardy

Strategic Advisor

National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations. 2X CU President

Greg Upham

Strategic Advisor

Former Co-Founder at PrecisionLender ($510M Exit)

AlgoPear logo at Nasdaq Tower in NY time square

The Core Mission Behind The Work

The founders envisioned a world where if you unveiled the Financial burdens of the world we could build a better future globally. The common question we hear is "What would you do if money was no problem?" Would people go after what truly matters and live out their purpose? Could we evolve as mankind? They believe so.