JPMorgan VS Tesla

July 6, 2022
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How it started

Tesla’s stock price rose tremendously during the pandemic, rising more than 630%. Things have changed dramatically since analysts have grown fear of Tesla's underproduction issues. In June 2022, Tesla delivered fewer vehicles than anticipated, about 9,395 cars short.

What's going on

After Tesla’s upsetting 2nd-quarter deliveries, JPMorgan has cut the target price for Tesla and says the shares could fall more than 40%. In relation to other Wallstreet banks, JPMorgan has held a hopeless view of Tesla, consistently having the lowest price target on the company.

Why it matters

Analysts predict the Tesla stock to fall 77% over the next year. There have been concerns about Tesla has ongoing supply chain problems, authoritarian opinions on remote workers, and unprofessional Twitter remarks. The possible fall of Tesla is not out of the picture and might become a reality sooner than later.

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