Elon Musk officially cancels buying Twitter

July 11, 2022
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How it started

On March 24th, Elon Musk began making statements about the Twitter platform. By April 24th, Elon had made an offer to buy the forum. However, Elon had been raising concerns over the“spam bots” on Twitter for years, and on June 6th, Elon’s team demanded information about spam bots from Twitter.

What's going on

On Friday night, Elon Musk revealed he was going to pull out of his agreement to buy Twitter. And in reaction to a lawsuit from Twitter, Elon Musk posted a laughing meme because roasting Twitter with a tweet is the only way to get your point across.

Why it matters

Ever since talks of purchasing Twitter, Tesla stocks have sunk. Investors had concerns concerned about the split attention between Twitter and Tesla. Due to the deal’s cancelation, Tesla stock may rise in the coming weeks. Maybe the Twitter money will be used to make Tesla less flammable. Now, we can sit back and hope Elon doesn’t start having dreams of buying Facebook.

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