Embedded Invest-Tech for your Financial Institution

Launch an innovative wealth tech app within your platform to retain and attract the next generation of depositors

AlgoPear Transparent feature
Trusted by top national & global organizations
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AlgoPear admindashboard for financial institution clients
OUr Features

End-to-end Wealth Building Solution

Digital embedded UI

Digitally appeal to the younger generation with our easy-to-use interface for investing

Low cost entry, low risk

Offer your members institutional-grade investing tools at a low cost and low risk for both you and them

Real-time analytics & insights

Admin dashboards reporting portfolio performance, deposit growth, communication content, satisfaction metrics and more

Easy integrations & compliance

In 4-6 weeks, we integrate our digital wealth technology into your system, complete with pre-approved compliance

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Launch Digital Wealth App

AlgoPear empowers FIs



People are more likely to use an app when they can instantly sign up and access it


Save Cost, Speed Up

You're likely to spend millions and take years to develop & maintain in-house wealth-tech, instead embed a pre-built system today


Increase Deposits

People are likely to invest more if they had access to automated advice or a digital robo-adviser

What our clients say

Leveling the playing field for financial institutions that serve everyday people

"AlgoPear has designed a cutting-edge solution to democratizing access to institutional grade trading tools. We need more innovators solving real problems and AlgoPear is doing just that."

Ben Vann

Ben Vann

CEO of Impact Ventures

"I turned a corner to get better at this (investing). AlgoPear is helping my dream come true with hands-free trading... 😀"

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Michael Brown

AlgoPear Community member

"The AlgoPear platform fills an important gap by connecting professional proprietary traders with retail clients. Leveraging professional trading expertise and managing technical complexities directly without a costly middle-man will be a game-changer for people seeking access to the high-end trading world."

Dr. Tom Starke

Dr. Tom Starke

CIO of AAA Quants

Affordable pricing plans

Attract and retain the young generation of members and be the champion of innovation for your financial institution


Basic Plan

Great for financial institutions with less than $1B AUM or <99K members

Check Mark
Up to 99K license seats
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Embedded integration support
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Admin analytics dashboard
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Mobile & web interface
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Single-sign on